Journey Insight

Conversation Outcome

The Journey Insight feature provides agents with the ability to analyze user interactions. This functionality enables agents to understand recent user behaviors and trends, ensuring that they can respond effectively to customer needs. By analyzing the entirety of the messages exchanged, we can categorize the outcomes into three main categories:

- Complete: Conversations that are successfully resolved.

- Incomplete: Conversations that require further follow-up or clarification.

- Drop-off: Conversations that did not reach a resolution and were abandoned by the user.

conversations based on unique users who engaged with the chatbot within a given day.

Filtering by Channel

Agents can enhance their analysis by filtering insights based on chat channels. This allows users to focus on the most relevant interactions, whether they be from specific platforms or types of communication.

Filtering By Date range

To immediate performance metrics, users can review data over a longer period. This extended analysis allows for a thorough evaluation of trends in the performance of the bot and agents over time.

Top 20 Outcomes

The Top 20 Outcomes section is designed to present a clear picture of the most common template/message sent by the chatbot and agents at the end of user conversations. These outcomes are essential for measuring how successfully interactions are wrapped up and whether users’ needs were fully met.

Sankey Diagram

The Sankey Diagram provides a visual flow of how users move through various interaction stages, showcasing the paths they take and the actions they encounter throughout their journey. This visual tool complements the textual insights provided by the Top 20 Outcomes section.

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