Auto assign

Auto-Assigned Ticket System

To enhance case resolution speed, our auto-assign feature promptly allocates newly opened tickets to agents. This eliminates potential delays stemming from manual task selection, resulting in reduced mailbox wait times and optimized case resolution. The system can be turn on/off by an admin of a network.

Upon ticket opening, it is initially placed at the team level. Our auto-assignment system takes charge of seamlessly distributing these tickets from the team level to individual agents, ensuring a smooth and efficient allocation process.

Our system harmoniously integrates with agent status for optimized ticket management:

  1. Online Status: Agents in this mode are actively available to receive tickets, ensuring efficient ticket distribution.

  2. Busy Status: Agents in a busy state will not receive new tickets, allowing them to focus on ongoing tasks without interruption.

  3. Offline Status: Agents marked as offline will neither accept new tickets nor handle existing ones. Any tickets owned by offline agents will be seamlessly transferred to available online agents, ensuring uninterrupted support continuity.

Agent will receive ticket based on Maximum ticket setting in Livechat setting.

Example, if Maximum Ticket is set to be 5

All agents in a network can recieve ticket up to 5 tickets. Other opened tickets will be held at team level until holding ticket of the agent is less than 5

Random Assign

In this mode, tickets are assigned to agents without any specific logic. All online agents in the team have an equal probability of getting assigned a ticket. This mode does not take into account any specific criteria or order and simply chooses an agent at random to handle the ticket.

Round Robin Assignment

In the Round Robin mode, tickets are assigned to agents in a circular order based on their login time. This means that each agent in the team will have the opportunity to handle a ticket in a sequential manner, ensuring a fair distribution of workload among team members. The assignment process follows a rotation pattern, ensuring that all agents get an equal chance to handle tickets based on their availability and login time.

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