

The dashboard provides overall analytics and metrics across the chatbot system. The numbers and graphs aggregate data within a selected time interval, configurable via the Time Interval Selector dropdown box in the top-left corner. You can choose presets like "Daily", "Monthly", "Quarterly" and "Yearly"

Additionally, a custom date range can be selected using the calendar picker, which will filter the dashboard to only display data from those dates.

The dashboard provides an overview of key chatbot usage metrics. It can be filtered by date and time range. The total messages and bot response counts help monitor volume and bot involvement. The message graph shows trends and changes over time. Together these provide visibility into how much and how your chatbot platform is being used.

Active Users

This metrics show the unique number of active user (user who has a conversation with either bot or agent) during the selected period of time.

New Users Acquire

This metric show the new user who

  • add friend with LINE channel

  • start a conversation on FB messenger, Webchat SDK or any Custom channel

Bot Responses

This metric shows the number of messages responded to by bots within the selected time range. It provides visibility into how much of the conversation volume is driven by bots versus humans.

Total Messages

This metric shows the total number of messages sent and received across all channels within the selected time range. It includes both human and bot messages.

Max. Messages (Maximum messages per conversation)

This refers to the highest number of all messages per conversation in a day during the filtered period. For example, if we filter for a 7-day period, it will identify the conversation with the most messages per day during those 7 days with a percentage comparison to the previous 7 days.

Avg. Messages (Average messages per conversation)

This metric represents the daily average number of messages per conversation. The individual daily averages are then combined to calculate the overall average based on the selected filter with a percentage comparison to the previous period.

Active Users Graph

This line graph visualizes the total active user over time, separated by channel, within the selected date range.

  • The x-axis plots the time interval - day, week, month etc.

  • The y-axis plots the active users count.

  • Each data point represents the active users in a channel in that particular time bucket.

Hovering over a data point will show the exact date, channel ID and active user count.

Total Messages Graph

This line graph visualizes the total message volume over time, separated by channel, within the selected date range.

  • The x-axis plots the time interval - day, week, month etc.

  • The y-axis plots the message count.

  • Each data point represents the total messages sent and received in a channel in that particular time bucket.

Hovering over a data point will show the exact date, channel ID and message count.

This allows you to analyze trends and spikes/dips in messaging activity over time. For example, seeing if messages increase on weekends or drop during holidays.

Top User

The top 10 users who send the message to the system within the period of time

Heat Map : Messages

This powerful tool allows you to visualize the intensity of the average number of messages per hour throughout the week. With this feature, you can easily see when your communication is at its peak and identify trends over time.

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